Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Why do we waste food?

Reasons for Food being spared in our country
Once I was thinking about the reason behind the food being by people.I deepen down my thinking ability as  much I can and finally came to some conclusion overcoming to many confusion which I am going to discuss here.

At first I thought that people waste food due to there insocial ideology and I started quering some of my friends in my Hostel.I found sometimes,such a circumstances happen in which a person is intended to spare food even if he is not ready for doing so.

For example ,One Saturday my friend Sahil sat to dined with a dish on dining table just before he got a call   from his friend to come out for a B'day Party.
He suddenly got confused that whether to waste that all the food and than got to party or to eat all and refuse to go in party.After some of thinking he finally decided against my ideology.

I was just sitting and watching the stuff because I was unable to stop him to do so as I was not having any reason for my suggestion.

Similarly I collected many responses about which I will talk later.

Good Bye

Sunday, January 26, 2020

INDIANS Take Care of FOOD.

  • More than 113 million people across 53 countries experienced acute hunger requiring urgent food, nutrition and livelihoods assistance (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above) in 2018.

  • According to a report, up to 40 per cent of the food produced in India is bound to get wasted

  • About 21 million tonnes of India’s entire wheat produce are wasted and 50 per cent of all the food across the world meets the same fate. 

  • Wasted Food never reaches the needy.

  • INDIANS waste as much food as the whole of United Kingdom consumes.

  • India wastes uneaten food worth Rs.137 crore daily.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What can we do to stop Wasting food?

Save Food Save Life

Image result for save food save life

Some Thrilling FACTS on Food Wastage

  • Every Year we waste 1.3 billion tons of Food Globally.

  • This Waste is equivalent to 1 trillion American Dollar, So we have lost this much amount.

  • If we calculate the total Carbon Dioxide produced by the wasted food, That value stays at Third largest Carbon Dioxide producer country on this planet.

  • Just one quarter of all wasted food could feed the 795 million undernourished people around the world who suffer from hunger.

  • By 2050 the world population will reach 9 billion. By then, food production must be increased by 70% to meet the demand.

Control Food Wastage

Are you aware about Food wastage which is being done continuously in our society?
This blog will provide you all the information on food wastage.
This Blog is to make you aware about Food crisis which is going on in our society.

Do you Know?  
World food day is celebrated on 28th April Every year.
Image result for Let save food"